Strength WOD
Snatch+Hang Snatch
-5×2 @ 70%
Snatch Balance
-3×1 for skill
WOD “Kettlehell”
3 rounds for time of:
4 TGU (2 each side)
10 KBS
10m Overhead lunge (with kettle bell)
10 KB Goblet Squat
10m Overhead lunge (with kettle bell)
10 KB Snatch (alternate arms)
10m Overhead lunge (with kettle bell)
10 KB Thruster (done with single kettle bell)
Rx: 53/35
My Results:
*I think* I used 25lb kettlebell, & completed all 3 rounds in about 18 minutes.
Thoughts/Observations / Takeaways:
- Class was taught by Mike who was awesome – Knowledgeable, patient, & a great coach. Really hope to be able to take his classes on a regular basis. The other coaches could stand to take some notes from this guy.
- For the Strength WOD, I could really only do a 35# bar with truly good form. When I tried the 45#, I couldn’t get deep enough in the squat portion of the snatch to call it well-done, or even complete. Additionally, the strain on my lower back was immediately noticeable. Very much want to get stronger in this.
- On KBS, pushing down at the top makes ALL the difference in speed & efficiency. Thanks to Mike for that.
- On KB thrusters, just like with barbell thrusters, there’s a rhythm to this movement that’s key in not exhausting your triceps. Where you hold the kettlebell/barbell is also important in this (close & high on chest, right underneath chin seems to work best.)
- My left-side TGUs are a joke. Had to switch to a lighter weight for these.
- Today I awoke with actual, visible bruises of the backs of my forearms from the KB snatches. Although I prepped for class by watching YouTube videos that showed techniques to mitigate the slamming of the kettlebell against the back of the forearm, I clearly did not implement the tips I was watching. I expect that I’ll be able to correct this with more practice & ability to focus on the details instead of just getting the movement done.
- I was tired by this workout, but not exhausted. I also finished quicker than most of the class – I think this means that the kettlebell was too light. Of course, this is a catch-22, because I never could get through the TGU’s with a heavier kettlebell… Must get stronger so that my strength can keep up with growing my conditioning.
Overall, I dug the workout, looking forward to going back for more tonight…